Unleashing the future of JavaScript development.

Effortlessly access pre-optimized NPM modules as importmaps & ESM, directly in the browser at unmatched scale.


  <script type="module">
    import { render, html, svg } from "uhtml/async";
    import jspm from 'https://api.github.com/orgs/jspm' assert { type: "json" };

    render(document.querySelector('main'), html`<img src=${jspm.avatar_url} alt=${jspm.description}>`);


  1. Find NPM package
  2. Add package exports to Importmap
  3. Download and use the Importmap


Common JS pre-transpiled to ESM

Edge caching

Production ready, extreamly performant edge caching to serve request closer to user.

Module water-fall optimization

Dependencies are deduped and statically analysed to avoid delayed discovery and roundtrips to server.